About Me

I’m husband, father, business owner and computer engineer.
I use emacs every day and after about 15 years of use I’m starting to get the hang of it. I can’t say I am an expert though I do try and keep my skills up. When I discover new things about emacs, I like to share them with one of my friends who suggested I blog about them. So here is my updated blog, complete with emacs tips and suggestions as I come accross them.
You will find my general thoughts and ideas on this blog. The flow of ideas over the years seems to have varied in topic, and no doubt will in future.
I often have ideas that may or may not be good, but I like to share them with the world none the less.
My email address is jason at NO dickson SPAM dot st. Remove the obvious words to email me.
You can use you GPG public key to communicate with me if you want.

Find me on mastodon.social

Jason Lewis