Author: Jason

  • Install perl modules automatically using lib::xi

    So you’ve downloaded a really cool perl script but it has 200 module dependencies? You could just install them one by one with cpanm or, you could use lib::xi. It automatically installs modules your perl script uses. # to install missing libaries automatically $ perl -Mlib::xi

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 4

    Finally managed to authenticate against using the oauth2 library. Here is my sample code which returns an access token. (let ((code (oauth2-request-authorization “” “2194” “” “” “”) )) (oauth2-request-access “” “2194” “” code “” ) ) WordPress at least seems to be fussy about what you use as the Redirect URI. It needs to…

  • Project Euler No. 1 in Emacs elisp

    My first Project Euler solution, and my first emacs elisp program. Multiples of 3 and 5. If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3…

  • emacs elisp first attempts

    For a long time I have wanted to learn elisp in emacs. I tried the various tutorials but I get bored of them too quickly. Too many words not enough action for me. I was reminded of Project Euler by Daniel Silverstone so I thought I’d have a crack at one of the problems. No.…

  • installing emacs in cygwin


    in ,

    Update: See my other post, launching emacs from cygwin There are a few tricks to installing emacs in cygwin. Here’s what I do. Installing cygwin First, install cygwin. Then, install the very nice tool apt-cyg which makes package management much easier in cygwin. Then to save yourself lots of agony of trying to work out…

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 3

    I’m still stuck with WordPress and OAuth 2.0. I sent a support email to them but they have not followed up yet. I did find the problem described on Stack Overflow with no solution yet either. I thought I might try and get OAuth 2.0 working with a different service. Twitter does not appear to…

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 2

    Back the basics. Reading through the docs again I decided try and and authorise using this url first. This takes me to a page to ask me to authorise. So, then it started to make sense to me. (oauth2-request-authorization “” “2194” “” “” “”) That above function launches your browser on the wordpress…

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 1

    I want to write something in emacs to let me edit WordPress posts directly. There is of course the blogger-mode in emacs, but I’ve never managed to make that work. Then I noticed that JetPack in WordPress has a JSON interface. Supposedly it will let me do stuff to my blog via a REST interface.…

  • Nic Ferrier – This Year in Emacs

    On 19/02/2013 Nic Ferrier gave a great talk current status of Emacs, and where it’s heading. Skills Matter : In The Brain of Nic Ferrier: This Year in Emacs.

  • Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: Failed to execute program /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper: Success

    I recently migrated my linux box from bare metal hardware to a VMware virtual machine. At the same time, I upgraded from Debian squeeze to Debian Wheezy (testing). After the dust had settled, one nagging problem keep recurring. Every time I did an aptitude update or aptitude install, after everything successfully ran, I would get…