Category: Debian

  • updating discord .deb one-liner

    Discord will often require you to install an update. When this happens it quits itself and auto downloads the latest .deb, but you end up with lots of sequentially numbered versions of the .deb so it’s fiddly to find and install the latest one.

    I came up with this approach to apt install the most recent one:

    sudo apt install \
       $(find /home/jason/Downloads/ \
           -name 'discord*.deb' -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | \
          sort -r | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2)

    or you can build it into a bash function:

    sudo apt install \
      $(find /home/jason/Downloads/ -name 'discord*.deb' -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | \
      sort -r | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2)

    One could also consider deleting the .deb after successful install. That is an excercise left for the reader

    Free Palestine!

  • Let’s Encrypt when your server is behind a firewall and you can’t use DNS Challenge

    Sometimes you want to give a server that is  behind a firewall a valid SSL certificate. Let’s Encrypt provides a nice solution for this called DNS Challenge. The problem with DNS Challenge is it may require some manual configuring to on your server to set it up. That is all fine and good but sometimes the server won’t allow you to do that configure. A classic example is the (Home Assistant) appliance or FreePBX

    I couldn’t find a coherent set of instructions for setting up Let’s Encrypt DNS Challenges with hassio, especially as my DNS provider requires custom scripts in order to achieve this.

    However, I came up with a work around. First let’s think about how Let’s Encrypt (LE) usually works. Suppose you want to get a certificate for (MEC), but is NATed behind’s (EC) IP address. When you run the LE client on MEC, it requests the LE servers to do a challenge request to MEC. MEC will have the same public IP as EC. the client on MEC will some information on the MEC server at the <webroot>/.well-known/acme-challenge. The LE servers will try and query it. If they find what they are looking for, they issue you the certificate.

    So I got to thinking, as this request takes place on port 80, it must contain the domain name header, and so, if you run an web server on port 80 of EC and A entry for  MEC the same public IP address as EC, EC could simply proxy that request to the MEC server.

    I looked up how to do this and set it up on my server and low and behold, I was able to get a valid certificate.

    In my case I did it with nginx , so the config looked like this:

    On my server on port 80 ( of the firewall in /etc/nginx/sites-available/

    server {
           location / {
    		proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    Then symlink it to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ and test the nginx config:

    $ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/  /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    $ sudo nginx -t
    [sudo] password for jason:
    nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

    Restart nginx:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx.service

    Now start your Let’s Encrypt certificate request on your server and you should be good to go.

  • MSSQL ODBC Client on Debian 9 Stretch

    Many years ago fREW Schmidt wrote a very handy article on installing MSSQL ODBC drivers in debian. Since then Microsoft have improved their support of debian somewhat and things have changed making it easier to install, however they still (as at 2017-11-06) have not released proper drivers for Debian Stretch.
    Add the microsoft repo

    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] jessie main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list

    Add the key

    curl | sudo apt-key add -

    then update and install

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install msodbcsql mssql-tools

    If you try and connect to sql now you get an obscure error like this:

    /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S -U xxx -P yyy
    Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server : Can't open lib '/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql/lib64/' : file not found.

    But the file exists:

    $ file /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd
    /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=21a353af470e7849544daab892ec9b1bfc36dc87, not stripped

    This somewhat misleading error is actually due to the libmsodbcsql lib being linked against a very specific version of libssl. Check the output of ldd:

    $ ldd /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql/lib64/ | grep 'not found' => not found => not found

    But it turns out this can easily be solved by manually installing the libssl package from Debian Jessie:

    wget ""
    sudo apt install ./libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u7_amd64.deb

    then you should be back in business.

  • convert mp3 to m4b on the linux command line

    I quite often want to convert mp3 files to m4b, Apple’s proprietary nastiness. There is pacpl of course but that has issues these days, particularly with copying the id3 tags to the new file.
    FFmpeg can do it when you build from source (I just found a nice script that will build it from source for you). So I came up with this way to do it from the command line. It uses an awesome feature of xargs which will run it in parallel, so one for each core.

    find -type f -name \*.mp3 \
    | xargs -n 1 -P $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN || echo 1) -i \
      bash -c \
     'i="{}"; ffmpeg -y -i "$i" -map_metadata 0 \
            -c copy -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k\
            -map_metadata:s:a 0:s:a -f ipod "${i%.*}.m4b"'

    What that does is:

    1. find all the mp3 files and pipe their names into xargs
    2. then get the number of cores available and pass that to the -P argument
    3. and run ffmpeg and map all the metadata to the new file
    4. and strip off the mp3 file extension and add m4b to it

    There! Nothing to it!
    Update 2017-03-23: Added double quotes around the bash variable $i to cope with spaces. You should always do this (and so should I)
    Update 2018-12-20: Added “-c copy” so ffmpeg can cope with album art in the file

  • Build and install emacssnapshot packages on Debian Stable

    the emacs logoDespite emacssnapshot only providing prebuilt packages for Debian unstable, building and installing the packages on stable is quite straight forward.
    I wrote a script to automate it. I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but it works for me. Thanks to twb for feedback on the script. Sorry I was too lazy to implement all of your suggestions twb.

  • FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades use, Microsoft ODBC Driver for Linux instead

    According to @mst FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades.
    That’s right folks, don’t use it. The new way to go is Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux.
    Unfortunately its a nightmare to install on debian. Luckily some very smart people wrote a lovely little howto: Install and Configure the MS ODBC Driver on Debian.

  • Using fail2ban to mitigate WordPress xmlrpc.php DDoS attacks

    Using fail2ban to mitigate WordPress xmlrpc.php DDoS attacks

    The other day my WordPress network went down. Upon investigation it turned out it was receiving a massive amount of http posts to the xmlrpc.php file. Apparently there is a WordPress DDoS that uses this mechanism. It brings apache and mysql to their knees as they can’t process the posts fast enough. If you search google for WordPress xmlrpc.php DDoS you can find lot more info about this.
    An temporary fix is to block all access to that file from your apache configs with something like:

    <Files xmlrpc.php>
      Order allow,deny
      Deny from all

    That brought the load back to normal so I could at least access the WordPress backend.
    After googling around for a solution it appeared that fail2ban could help. Luckily there is a plugin for that. WP fail2ban has two parts. The first is a plugin that enables logging of xmlrpc events and authentication events to /var/log/auth. It is important to keep these events separate from the normal http access logs as the access log file can get very large and fail2ban can raise the load significantly just processing it.
    You also need to add a few configuration options to wp-config.php

    # prevent user enumeration
    # block some obviously invalid users

    See the readme for more details about what they do
    The second part is enabling filters and gaols in fail2ban. Luckily this is also provided by the WP fail2ban plugin. Copy the wordpress.conf file from the wp-fail2ban directory to the fail2ban config directory:

    ~# cp /var/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fail2ban/wordpress.conf \

    Then edit /etc/jail.local and insert:

    enabled = true
    filter = wordpress
    logpath = /var/log/auth.log
    # set the ban time to 1 hour - probably could be even higher for good measure
    bantime = 3600
    # needed for debian wheezy otherwise fail2ban doesn't start and reports
    #   errors with the config
    port = http,https

    Now restart fail2ban:

    ~# /etc/init.d/fail2ban restart
    [ ok ] Restarting authentication failure monitor: fail2ban.

    Remove the block on the xmlrpc.php file from your apache config and restart apache. Then you should see in your fail2ban logs something like:

    2014-08-09 23:18:30,405 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:20:49,090 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:20:50,108 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:04,162 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:28,206 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:36,234 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:36,294 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:44,346 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:46,400 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:21:52,423 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:22:12,488 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:22:12,509 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:22:42,564 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:22:53,590 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban
    2014-08-09 23:22:53,607 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [wordpress] Ban

    I found however that I was being hit from over 1800 unique IP addresses and despite fail2ban successfully banning them, it was taking too long to ban enough that the load would return to normal so I re-blocked the xmlrpc.php file for 24 hours. After that, I enabled it and it seemed as though the DDoS had gone away. So far so good.


    See the readme for more details about what they do
    The second part is enabling filters and gaols in fail2ban. Luckily this is also provided by the WP fail2ban plugin. Copy the wordpress.conf file from the wp-fail2ban directory to the fail2ban config directory:


    Then edit /etc/jail.local and insert:


    Now restart fail2ban:


    Remove the block on the xmlrpc.php file from your apache config and restart apache. Then you should see in your fail2ban logs something like:


    I found however that I was being hit from over 1800 unique IP addresses and despite fail2ban successfully banning them, it was taking too long to ban enough that the load would return to normal so I re-blocked the xmlrpc.php file for 24 hours. After that, I enabled it and it seemed as though the DDoS had gone away. So far so good.


    See the readme for more details about what they do
    The second part is enabling filters and gaols in fail2ban. Luckily this is also provided by the WP fail2ban plugin. Copy the wordpress.conf file from the wp-fail2ban directory to the fail2ban config directory:


    Then edit /etc/jail.local and insert:


    Now restart fail2ban:


    Remove the block on the xmlrpc.php file from your apache config and restart apache. Then you should see in your fail2ban logs something like:


    I found however that I was being hit from over 1800 unique IP addresses and despite fail2ban successfully banning them, it was taking too long to ban enough that the load would return to normal so I re-blocked the xmlrpc.php file for 24 hours. After that, I enabled it and it seemed as though the DDoS had gone away. So far so good.

  • Howto quickly find your Beaglebone Black’s IP address

    Howto quickly find your Beaglebone Black’s IP address

    Whenever I connect my Beaglebone Black (BBB) to a network, I have to work out it’s IP address so I can ssh into it. This can be tricky. Some of your options are:

    1. connect to the serial terminal, or connect over the usb network interface which gives the BBB the address, log in and issue the command ip addr.
    2. use nmap to try and search out its IP address on your subnet but this is time consuming and not very accurate I have found.
    3. use avahi-browse -rat (thanks Madox for that tip.)

    Last night I came up with a Better Way™. Rather than trying to determine the BBB’s address, why not use a fully qualified domain name and a dynamic dns service? I could then just type ssh or whatever and log in. Think how that would simplify one’s life!
    To implement this, set up a dynamic DNS somewhere with a FQDN for your BBB. If you happen to have your own domain name already you can use a sub-domain from that. I think its fairly common for DNS hosts to offer an API to update your IP address. I happen to use Rimu Hosting and they have their own simple web api.
    Then you just need to write a little script to update the IP address every time the DHCP client receives a new IP address, and drop it into /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/
    Here is my script. This will only work with Rimu Hosting as they have their own privately developed API, and you’d need to insert your own KEY into the script.

    # update ip address with rimu hosting. See
    if [[ ! -z ${new_ip_address} ]]
       echo $(date +"%F %T") ${new_ip_address} >> /root/ddns.txt
       curl "${new_ip_address}&type=A&api_key=XXX"
        echo "got no ip"


    I discovered this didn’t work at home. Turns out that dnsmasq in OpenWRT is set to ignore this kind of dns request, due to potential security risks. There is a solution to that. Add a list rebind_domain line to your /etc/config/dhcp line on the router.

    config dnsmasq
    	list    rebind_domain ''

    Thanks to Michal Čihař for the solution to that.

  • Printing from Windows to a samba shared CUPS-PDF printer sometimes fails

    Printing from Windows to a samba shared CUPS-PDF printer sometimes fails

    I had this problem where prints to our CUPS-PDF printer sometimes failed to be processed on the server. The job would disappear as though it has been printed but nothing else would happen. Printing from the same application to a Windows based PDF printer, and then printing the resulting PDF via Adobe Acrobat to the CUPS PDF printer would work fine. Printing the same PDF via Sumatra PDF to CUPS-PDF would also fail.
    Further investigation revealed that the resulting print job files would differ. The jobs that fail looked like they contained a lot of binary data but the ones that succeeded looked like normal PDF files.
    Then I discovered this entry in the Windows Event Viewer:

    The document XXXX, owned by jason, failed to print on printer \\server\PDF. Try to print the document again, or restart the print spooler.
    Data type: NT EMF 1.008. Size of the spool file in bytes: 2555904. Number of bytes printed: 0. Total number of pages in the document: 1. Number of pages printed: 0. Client computer: \\CLIENT. Win32 error code returned by the print processor: 0. The operation completed successfully.

    Googleing that error took me to this RPi forum which had a solution buried down near the bottom. Thanks to Chemirocha for that tip. This bug has been plaguing me for a few years on and off!

  • automysqlbackup ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the –events option explicitly.

    automysqlbackup ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the –events option explicitly.

    I was receiving email error messages from cron like this from my autbackupmysql on a regular basis:
    ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log for - 2014-05-01_06h26m
    -- Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly.

    It turns out that mysqldump now warns you if the events table is not being dumped. So to get rid of the warning either ensure the table gets dumped when you do a backup or tell mysql explicitly not to dump it. I chose the former approach as it is a backup after all.
    Simply add the following line to /etc/mysql/my.cnf


    This tells the mysqldump program to explicity include the events table, and removes the warning. You can see a discussion about this option here.
    If you are using debian, you will need to add that section to the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file also as automysqlbackup uses that file for its configuration instead. See debian bug report for more details.