Category: Debian
updating discord .deb one-liner
Discord will often require you to install an update. When this happens it quits itself and auto downloads the latest .deb, but you end up with lots of sequentially numbered versions of the .deb so it’s fiddly to find and install the latest one. I came up with this approach to apt install the most…
Let’s Encrypt when your server is behind a firewall and you can’t use DNS Challenge
Sometimes you want to give a server that is behind a firewall a valid SSL certificate. Let’s Encrypt provides a nice solution for this called DNS Challenge. The problem with DNS Challenge is it may require some manual configuring to on your server to set it up. That is all fine and good but sometimes…
MSSQL ODBC Client on Debian 9 Stretch
Many years ago fREW Schmidt wrote a very handy article on installing MSSQL ODBC drivers in debian. Since then Microsoft have improved their support of debian somewhat and things have changed making it easier to install, however they still (as at 2017-11-06) have not released proper drivers for Debian Stretch.Add the microsoft repo Add the…
convert mp3 to m4b on the linux command line
I quite often want to convert mp3 files to m4b, Apple’s proprietary nastiness. There is pacpl of course but that has issues these days, particularly with copying the id3 tags to the new file.FFmpeg can do it when you build from source (I just found a nice script that will build it from source for you).…
Build and install emacssnapshot packages on Debian Stable
Despite emacssnapshot only providing prebuilt packages for Debian unstable, building and installing the packages on stable is quite straight forward. I wrote a script to automate it. I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but it works for me. Thanks to twb for feedback on the script. Sorry I was too lazy to…
FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades use, Microsoft ODBC Driver for Linux instead
According to @mst FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades. That’s right folks, don’t use it. The new way to go is Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux. Unfortunately its a nightmare to install on debian. Luckily some very smart people wrote a lovely little howto: Install and Configure the MS ODBC Driver on…
Using fail2ban to mitigate WordPress xmlrpc.php DDoS attacks
Use fail2ban with WordPress to prevent xlmrpc.php DDoS attacks
Howto quickly find your Beaglebone Black’s IP address
Whenever I connect my Beaglebone Black (BBB) to a network, I have to work out it’s IP address so I can ssh into it. This can be tricky. Some of your options are: connect to the serial terminal, or connect over the usb network interface which gives the BBB the address, log in and…
Printing from Windows to a samba shared CUPS-PDF printer sometimes fails
I had this problem where prints to our CUPS-PDF printer sometimes failed to be processed on the server. The job would disappear as though it has been printed but nothing else would happen. Printing from the same application to a Windows based PDF printer, and then printing the resulting PDF via Adobe Acrobat to the…
automysqlbackup ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the –events option explicitly.
I was receiving email error messages from cron like this from my autbackupmysql on a regular basis: ERRORS REPORTED: MySQL Backup error Log for – 2014-05-01_06h26m — Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the –events option explicitly. It turns out that mysqldump now warns you if the events table is not being…