Bridge building using perspex (probably cut using a laser cutter)
You could make the rules very simple: use 1.5mm perspex, must span at least 50cm and best weight to strength ratio wins or something
Category: Idea of the Day
perspex bridge building contest
Open Source Toys
Plans made freely available for some toys, like say a toy crane. Then you can build it yourself or buy a premade one, and when child breaks toy, you can either make or buy the replacement parts for it to repair it.
Tiny fridge for milk in the office
Today’s idea is for a fridge that is just big enough to hold a 2L bottle of milk for the office. Thats the only thing we really want to keep chilled up here so a small fridge would be great.
Fairtrade Certified Cafes on google maps.
I have created a map on google maps to mark the locations of cafes that serve Fairtrade Certified coffee. Please feel free to add cafes too it but make sure they serve Fairtrade Certified coffee before adding them.
washing machine with washing powder dispenser
Today’s idea.
Why don’t washing machines have big resevoirs for washing liquid or powder, fabric softner and whitner/bleach?
You would fill it up and then the washing machine would automatically dispense the various washing liquids or powders into the wash. no more messing around with all those cartons of washing powder, bottles of softner and tubs of nappysan. It would alert you when it runs out (perhaps via email so you can pick some up on your way home). -
Doctor’s Surgery appointment app link to google calendar
Wouldn’t it be cool if, when you sign up at your doctor’s surgery, they would ask you for your google calendar info. That way, when you make an appointment with the doc, their appointment software would automatically add the appointment to your calendar.