
  • Many years ago fREW Schmidt wrote a very handy article on installing MSSQL ODBC drivers in debian. Since then Microsoft have improved their support of debian somewhat and things have changed making it easier to install, however they still (as at 2017-11-06) have not released proper drivers for Debian Stretch.Add the microsoft repo Add the…

  • I made a braided cord bracelet. Cordage came from Decathelon Instructions thanks to the WhyKnot YouTube Channel

  • I got sick of all the ukulele tuner apps so I decided to make my own. The best ukulele tuner app I’ve found on the iPhone works by repeatedly playing the note you are tuning to rather than trying to analyse the audio and display the frequency of the note it detects. The human ear…

  • I quite often want to convert mp3 files to m4b, Apple’s proprietary nastiness. There is pacpl of course but that has issues these days, particularly with copying the id3 tags to the new file.FFmpeg can do it when you build from source (I just found a nice script that will build it from source for you).…

  • Despite emacssnapshot only providing prebuilt packages for Debian unstable, building and installing the packages on stable is quite straight forward. I wrote a script to automate it. I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but it works for me. Thanks to twb for feedback on the script. Sorry I was too lazy to…

  • I migrated to a new host. If you can see this, you are looking at emacstragic on the new host.

  • Some of us at the Sydney PM group and the #australia  Perl IRC channel have been discussing holding an perl conference in Sydney in 2017. If this is something you are interested in attending or organising, please get in touch. You can find us on #australia on or Join our conference organising mailing list:…

  • I love books and I love booko. So I decided to help Amazon help me check prices on booko with a little Tampermonkey script. It makes the ISBN-13 on Amazon a clickable link that will open a new tab to booko and search for that ISBN. Give it a go!

    Automatically lookup amazon books on booko
  • I finished my workbench. It took me about 12 months and a broken toe to do it. Very happy with the result but now I need to fit the vice. I copied Paul Sellers’ design from his YouTube videos. In fact his videos inspired me to get into woodworking to start with.

  • —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 I am transitioning GPG keys from an old 4096-bit RSA key to a new 4096-bit RSA key. This transition document is signed with both keys to validate the transition. If you have signed my old key, I would appreciate signatures on my new key as well, provided that your…