Tag: dns

  • Howto quickly find your Beaglebone Black’s IP address

    Howto quickly find your Beaglebone Black’s IP address

    Whenever I connect my Beaglebone Black (BBB) to a network, I have to work out it’s IP address so I can ssh into it. This can be tricky. Some of your options are:

    1. connect to the serial terminal, or connect over the usb network interface which gives the BBB the address, log in and issue the command ip addr.
    2. use nmap to try and search out its IP address on your subnet but this is time consuming and not very accurate I have found.
    3. use avahi-browse -rat (thanks Madox for that tip.)

    Last night I came up with a Better Way™. Rather than trying to determine the BBB’s address, why not use a fully qualified domain name and a dynamic dns service? I could then just type ssh myfqdn.com or whatever and log in. Think how that would simplify one’s life!
    To implement this, set up a dynamic DNS somewhere with a FQDN for your BBB. If you happen to have your own domain name already you can use a sub-domain from that. I think its fairly common for DNS hosts to offer an API to update your IP address. I happen to use Rimu Hosting and they have their own simple web api.
    Then you just need to write a little script to update the IP address every time the DHCP client receives a new IP address, and drop it into /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/
    Here is my script. This will only work with Rimu Hosting as they have their own privately developed API, and you’d need to insert your own KEY into the script.

    # update ip address with rimu hosting. See https://rimuhosting.com/dns/dyndns.jsp
    if [[ ! -z ${new_ip_address} ]]
       echo $(date +"%F %T") ${new_ip_address} >> /root/ddns.txt
       curl "https://rimuhosting.com/dns/dyndns.jsp?action=SET&name=clock.emacstragic.net&value=${new_ip_address}&type=A&api_key=XXX"
        echo "got no ip"


    I discovered this didn’t work at home. Turns out that dnsmasq in OpenWRT is set to ignore this kind of dns request, due to potential security risks. There is a solution to that. Add a list rebind_domain line to your /etc/config/dhcp line on the router.

    config dnsmasq
    	list    rebind_domain 'clock.emacstragic.net'

    Thanks to Michal Čihař for the solution to that.