Tag: howto
Pull a backup from a remote host with ssh and tar
Sometimes you might need to copy a whole directory from a remote host, but the remote host does not have enough space to tar the whole thing up and then sftp it off. The solution is to tar/bzip the directory and stream it directly to your local host: ssh root@remotehost ‘tar cjf – /path/to/somedirectory’ |…
Migrating single site WordPress installations to a multisite network
I have seen this question about migrating to a networked multisite WordPress install come up more than once so I thought I’d write down my experience. I used to host about 10 individual WordPress installations. Managing them and keeping them all up to date was a pain, and that meant I always had sites that were…
ping with timestamp
I couldn’t work out a way to get ping to print a timestamp of when the ping took place. For some reason it seems as though this isn’t a sought after feature. Luckily you can achieve the same thing using fping: while [ 1 ] ; do echo $(date ‘+%F %T’) $(fping -e google.com); sleep…