Category: General

  • crane carnage

    This is what happens when you don’t do your sums properly when using a crane.

  • google desktop search

    Google desktop search only works in IE at the moment. Go here to request that they add firefox support.

  • Tackling Comment Spam

    There seems to be a new thing where some scum think they will still go to heaven even if they post comment spam. Here’s a link that might help.

  • Run to the hills

    This week, I have mostly been listening to Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden.
    When you have a supplier that sends you shit, and you have to hand sort through his delivery to sort the shit out from the acceptable stuff, and you send him a fax explaining how shit his quality control is, and you know he’s not going to be impressed, you find yourself singing Run to the Hills.

  • I saw this and I thought of Damian

    This reminds me of Damian in his thankless job trying to convert the masses at is current work place.

  • African Pacific

    There’s this guy we work with who is a bloody legend! You can see his site here.
    Cheers Andreas.

  • another thing broken on the lantern

    I was giving the lantern it’s weekly workout last night and the bloody knob on the pump cracked and broke off. I’m getting really sick of things breaking on this thing. *sigh* More reason to get my pressure gauge and valve assembly fitted and working. I wonder if I can find an engineer localy who could just do the tapping for me?

  • 21st Century Airships

    For a long time I have dreamt of a luxury airship and it seems like its closer to reality than one might think.

  • Hydrogen powerd ute that produces its own hydrogen

    This is a great idea. I think Bruno should build one.

  • The Content Revolution: When It’s More Expensive To Evaluate Than Release

    There is an interesting article here that talks about how the content revolution is really changing the way things are done in the music industry (or will do at least). The basic point is that music publishers are working on a model where releasing a song is very expensive, so it pays to have good evaluation as to weather it will do well before releasing it, the only problem is that it is now so cheap to release a song that its better just to release everything. Anyway, the article explains it much better than I did.