Category: Clock

  • Clock Part 3

    Clock Part 3

    I finally finished the outer case of my clock. Only 19 layers of 3mm acrylic stacked on top of each other.

    Laser cutting the rear panel and finger slot
    red perspex box with clock electronics showing, rear lid off
    Rear panel with finger slot and barrel jack holder
    rear panel of clock with wire going into the finger slot
    Barrel Jack inside the finger slot

    I built a finger slot into the back of the clock so it’s easier to carry, but also to house the barrel jack for mounting the clock flush to the wall, allowong me to hide the power cord in the wall (oneday)

    pile of acrylic sheets neetly lined up
    This is the pile of acrylic I had to cut out of the inside of the clock.

    That pile on the left was cut out to make the cavity in the case.

  • Clock Part 2

    A bit more progress on my clock. I installed the dirty pink gel filter to increase the contrast ratio of the 7 segment displays, and started cutting the final case out of red 101 acrylic. Lots of laminations.

    a digital clock showing the time of 11:22

    side of digital clock showing laminations of the case and the inner electronics and wires
    Side of clock


  • Progress on my clock

    Progress on my clock

    I finally wired up the big LEDs and made an acrylic mounting board for all the parts. I laser cut holes in the board and tapped them with an M3 tap. That allowed me to mount the circuit boards directly to the mounting board. I used Dupont connectors to wire everything up which gives a very neat finish I of rear of clock mounting place showing various circuit boards, beaglebone black and wires connecting to the LED pins