• Converting lines of text into a numbered list in org-mode

    Recently I had a list of things in a org buffer that I wanted to turn into a numbered list but couldn’t find an elegant way to do it. The solution I came up with was to use a regex-replace to insert 1. in front of each line. Then I used org-mode’s C-c C-c to…

  • Delete white space around insertion point in emacs

    A while ago I discovered M-\ deletes white space between point and text. Now I just discovered M-spc replaces tabs and spaces around point with just 1 space. M-SPC runs the command just-one-space, which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el’. It is bound to M-SPC. (just-one-space &optional N) Delete all spaces and tabs…

  • openscad is cool

    UPDATE: You might also be interested in my list of programmatic CAD tools. Brendan introduced me to openscad while we were at the hacker space last night. I really like it and I can’t believe I didn’t try this tool out before. You essentially write your solid design in a programming language. Its simple to…

  • WordCamp Sydney 2012

    Maissa and I bought our tickets for WordCamp Sydney. Hope to see you there!

  • Sacha Chua interviews John Wiegley

    Sacha Chua has come up with a great idea of interviewing some of the big names in emacs. Check out her first video where she interviews John Wiegley. They cover some interesting ground. It makes me realise what an emacs amateur I am.

  • change the display font size in emacs

    In emacs 24 C-+ and C– increase and decrease the display font size.

  • Editing files using sudo and emacs

    I often edit config files with: sudo emacs /etc/whatever The problem with that is I would end up with ~ backup files littering my filesystem and also emacs is run as root so it gets root’s config file. I’d rather use emacs with my config. The solution, thanks to emacs-fu is twofold: First set emacs’s…

  • Fullscreen emacs on OSX

    This works in emacs 24, not sure about previous versions. the keyboard shortcut matches Chrome’s full screen shortcut. ; keyboard shortcut to toggle full screen (global-set-key [s-return] ‘ns-toggle-fullscreen) will define Cmd-return to toggle emacs between full screen and normal – the same shortcut as for chrome.

  • perspex bridge building contest

    Bridge building using perspex (probably cut using a laser cutter) You could make the rules very simple: use 1.5mm perspex, must span at least 50cm and best weight to strength ratio wins or something

  • Open Source Toys

    Plans made freely available for some toys, like say a toy crane. Then you can build it yourself or buy a premade one, and when child breaks toy, you can either make or buy the replacement parts for it to repair it.

Got any book recommendations?