I can’t work out where to document this so I’ll document it here – maybe it will help someone oneday. If you want to modify a debian package and then build it… apt-get source . Then cd – make whatever changes you need to make. debian/rules and debian/ are interesting. then do a ‘dch -n’…
I have created a map on google maps to mark the locations of cafes that serve Fairtrade Certified coffee. Please feel free to add cafes too it but make sure they serve Fairtrade Certified coffee before adding them.
Today’s idea. Why don’t washing machines have big resevoirs for washing liquid or powder, fabric softner and whitner/bleach? You would fill it up and then the washing machine would automatically dispense the various washing liquids or powders into the wash. no more messing around with all those cartons of washing powder, bottles of softner and…
Wouldn’t it be cool if, when you sign up at your doctor’s surgery, they would ask you for your google calendar info. That way, when you make an appointment with the doc, their appointment software would automatically add the appointment to your calendar.
Soul Economy have tried Cocolo and like it.
Nourished magazine have a nice piece entitled “Are You Eating Child Slavery” which mentions Cocolo.
A while ago I moved my banking to HSBC. This move has been pretty ok except there are a few annoyances with their online banking. the biggest of which is that you cannot get an electronic copy of a statement at all. In fact, the only way to get a copy of a statement is…
Fair!: DC Make Trade Consuming with Conscience has a little post about Fair Trade chocolate and mentions Cocolo and where you can buy it.
I couldn’t work out a way to get ping to print a timestamp of when the ping took place. For some reason it seems as though this isn’t a sought after feature. Luckily you can achieve the same thing using fping: while [ 1 ] ; do echo $(date ‘+%F %T’) $(fping -e; sleep…
World Vision recommend you buy Cocolo