Windows 7 Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver


in ,

Microsoft have made it virtually impossible to find out how to get this driver for Windows 7.
If you are getting the error “You must first install the current version of the Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver”, you need to download this driver and install it.
Tthe file you are after is called VFPODBC.msi and can be downloaded directly from Microsoft at the time of writing. No doubt they will move that link to ensure no one can find it again.
To use it on a 64 bit windows system, you need to run the 32  bit version of ODBC: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
[update 2016-07-20]
or you could download it from here. I’ve tested and it seems to install fine in Windows 10, but I haven’t tested if it works as I don’t use FoxPro any more.

filename md5sum</>
VFPODBC.msi 4fbb57a7efabde9925af86a239e5c93c
VFPODBC.msi.xz aa85ab82c179e4c6b2ee9200b81f8956
filename sha512sum</>
VFPODBC.msi 84aa3f1bf8dd45c7f25575a69b55672b
VFPODBC.msi.xz 97bd6301442320df590f87cde5ffa23f

Free Palestine!


29 responses to “Windows 7 Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver”

  1.  Avatar


    1.  Avatar

      This was very helpful. Fixed my issues and locating this driver was difficult at best

  2. Djati Avatar

    Many thanks,Jason that’s fixing my error “you are not logged with non administrative bla bla bla ” when creating new dsn

  3. nice one!

  4.  Avatar

    thank you so much

  5. thank you for posting this its most helpful

  6. Thanks so much. And your first sentence made me chuckle.

    1. Jason Lewis Avatar
      Jason Lewis

      Your welcome marykdba

  7. Celeste Avatar

    Thank you as well – I was pulling out my hair until I found this!

  8. Thank you a lot. This will save many applications we use.

  9. Thank you very much for finding the solution.
    As you say if you rely on Microsoft then you’ll never solve it
    I’m very grateful

  10.  Avatar

    Thank you Jason you are a star

  11.  Avatar

    Lifesaver, thanks for the link that luckily still works even though Microsoft have hidden away any references to VFP ODBC on MSDN.

  12.  Avatar

    Are you an Angel? A lot of thanks

  13.  Avatar


  14. Romel Avatar

    Thank you so so much. Took a long time to find a place to download the driver. Luckily, I found this blog.

  15. Israel Alcalde Avatar
    Israel Alcalde

    you’re really great, you’re the man!!!! thanks a lot my friend, best wishes!!!

  16.  Avatar

    gracias, solucione el problema

  17.  Avatar

    Thanks a lot

  18. Paul Avatar

    Thank you very much.

  19. Mike H. Avatar
    Mike H.

    Thank you for the driver download link, which still works. I upgraded a while back from XP to Win8.1 and MSOffice 2013 when I got a new computer. The driver successfully installed on my Win8.1 64-bit system. Then, using Access 2013 32-bit, I was able to successfully link to the VFP databases used by some old software that I still use. Saved me the headache of trying some of the workarounds I had been coming across on other sites.

  20. Uli R. Avatar
    Uli R.

    Thank you very much for the link. We did awful workarounds to read the data of an old software we have to transfer

  21. Alejandro Avatar

    Thank you I was crazy looking for this 🙂
    Muchas gracias

  22. At certain times this link is worth gold!
    Thanks for this file

  23.  Avatar

    I have a large size of foxpro database which need to be migrated to SQL. I have application developed which could not handle the size of the data. Could you please give me any idea on how can i successfully complete this process

  24. Nagesh Avatar

    Hi Jason,
    Is there anyway to download VFPODBC.msi ?
    As you have rightly mentioned, Microsoft does not allow users to download this anymore
    Please help!!
    I have important data to be accessed.

    1. Jason Lewis Avatar
      Jason Lewis

      Hi Nagesh,
      I had a hunt around too and looks like Microsoft have removed that file. I’m not aware of another source for it at this stage sorry.

  25. Hi,
    Can anyone please share the file here?

    1. Jason Lewis Avatar
      Jason Lewis

      Hi KD, there is a link for the file above

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