Author: Jason

  • Australian emacs users mailing list

    During the emacs BoF at LCA2013 we decided to set up a mailing list for Australian users. Ben has now set it up and it can be reached here: Emacs-au-discuss  

  • Linuxconf 2013

    Linuxconf 2013

    I just got back from having an amazing week at LCA2013. That was my first LCA and I was really not quite sure what to expect. It turned out to be an amazing experience. I met so man really smart people, learnt a lot and generally got exposed to all sorts of new ideas and…

  • Laser cut stand for HDHomerun

    I got sick of my HDHomeruns not stacking nicely so I made a stand on the lasercutter for them.

  • Edit a regex search string in Emacs

    If you are writing a complex regex search in emacs and need to edit the string, arrow keys takes you out of the search. M-e allows you to really edit the string.

  • Watering System

    Watering System

    I’ve been working on installing a watering system in my garden. Even though it seems simple on the surface, it took me a while to work out how to do things. Part 1 – The Solenoid Valves and Manifold First of all I sketeched out the garden beds I wanted to install the irrigation system…

  • The Mark Ring in emacs

    Each time you mark with C-<SPC>, Emacs saves the mark in the mark ring. You can step back through your mark ring with C-u C-<SPC>. You can swap point and mark with C-x C-x.

  • Indenting of comments in emacs-lisp mode

    Emacs-lisp mode indents comments based on the number of semi-colons prefixing them. One semi-colon indents to column 40. Two semi-colons indent to the same level as the block you are in. Three semi-colons indent to wherever you place it and don’t move if you press <TAB> ;;; column: ;;;34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ; one semi-colon (when (some case)…

  • Re-reading the emacs tutorial

    It came upon me to re-read the emacs tutorial. Last time I read it was probably about 17 years ago. Things might have changed since then. I picked up two things: C-/ is undo and is equivalent to C-_ C-h c gives you brief help on a keyboard shortcut. I was using C-h k but…

  • Swap Registers in emacs calc

    <TAB> to swap the contents of the last two registers in calc.

  • emacs keyboard macros

    If you haven’t explored the power of keyboard macros in emacs, you should. You only need to remember a few keys to get going: <F3> Start recording a macro <F4> End recording a macro C-x e to repeat the macro Give it a go!