I write about Linux, Debian, Windows, general geeky stuff, making things and just about everything.

  • We arrived in Paris nearly a week ago. Time is flying now. Paris is beautiful as usual. And I must admit that it feels good to be here after Lebanon. The weather is much more tolerable here. Lovely cool evenings…

  • On Saturday we went on a trip to the islands off Tripoli. I was a little aprehensive of being stuck on an island but I have to say, it was great. We were supposed to head off early in the…

  • Well, it turns out internet access is a lot more difficult in Lebanon (or at least Tripoli) than we thought. And of course, things went wrong at the office, so I had to have access to fix things, but nothing…

  • I have to say, that Lebanon is a land of contrasts. I read that in the Lonely Planet guide and its really true. Mountains by sea, rich next to poor, expensive cars driving beside the most claped out car you…

  • It’s interesting to see the different cultures of different people, and those cultures change and you move around the globe. As we came in to land at Beirut airport, as soon as the wheels touched the ground, about 10 people…

  • Well, its about 12:34 am, and Maissa and I have just finished packing and sorting stuff out for our trip. It’s been a nerve racking time, sorting out the tickets and planning this trip. We almost gave up on it…

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