Italian Sausages

Yesterday we ventured to Haberfield. For those in the dark, Haberfield is the real little Italy of Sydney. I know you can find all the glitzy expensive Italian restaurants in Leichard, but real Italians do their shopping in Haberfield.
My original plan was to get up early and head down there on my own or with Tate and just quickly buy some stuff for the bbq later that night, but as everyone was up, we (Hind, Tate, Zac and Tamara and Maissa and me) decided to go together, have some breakfast there and get the shopping at the same time.
When we arrived, there was this very nice looking cafe which we decided to have breakfast in, but we needed a slightly bigger table in the window to fit us all, so we just moved one of the tables, but the waitress barked “you can’t move that table, there won’t be room to get through”. So we asked her where we could sit and the only option she gave us was in the back of the restaurant. We looked, changed our minds and decided to sit outside. Once we got outside we decided unanimously that the hag of a waitress had put us all off and we went across the road for some awesome bacon and eggs. I know its not very italian, but they did include an italian sausage on the plate.
Anyway, we wandered around after breakfast and bought some shopping including some lovely white fluffy ricotta cheese, some freshly greated parmesan, some delicious tomatoes, cuecumbers and basil, and some lovely italian sausages which we cooked up on the bbq that night. I have to say they were realy bloody good and I think I’m going to have to go to Haberfield next weekend to get some more.
Oh… that reminds me, on the same night, I finaly used up the last of the charcoal I bought ages ago. Thats like 20kg of charcoal gone in a few months. I must get some more.


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