Category: General

  • There will be Emacs Chocolate at the #Emacs Meetup Melbourne

    I decided to make something special for the inaugural Australian emacs meetup. If you want some, come to the Melbourne emacs meetup. Sofia’s Camberwell. 857 Burke Road Camberwell 3124 Victoria, Australia Friday April 26, 2013 6:00 PM

  • Install perl modules automatically using lib::xi

    So you’ve downloaded a really cool perl script but it has 200 module dependencies? You could just install them one by one with cpanm or, you could use lib::xi. It automatically installs modules your perl script uses. # to install missing libaries automatically $ perl -Mlib::xi

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 4

    Finally managed to authenticate against using the oauth2 library. Here is my sample code which returns an access token. (let ((code (oauth2-request-authorization “” “2194” “” “” “”) )) (oauth2-request-access “” “2194” “” code “” ) ) WordPress at least seems to be fussy about what you use as the Redirect URI. It needs to…

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 3

    I’m still stuck with WordPress and OAuth 2.0. I sent a support email to them but they have not followed up yet. I did find the problem described on Stack Overflow with no solution yet either. I thought I might try and get OAuth 2.0 working with a different service. Twitter does not appear to…

  • OAuth 2.0 in emacs – Part 2

    Back the basics. Reading through the docs again I decided try and and authorise using this url first. This takes me to a page to ask me to authorise. So, then it started to make sense to me. (oauth2-request-authorization “” “2194” “” “” “”) That above function launches your browser on the wordpress…

  • Australian emacs users mailing list

    During the emacs BoF at LCA2013 we decided to set up a mailing list for Australian users. Ben has now set it up and it can be reached here: Emacs-au-discuss  

  • Laser cut stand for HDHomerun

    I got sick of my HDHomeruns not stacking nicely so I made a stand on the lasercutter for them.

  • Watering System

    Watering System

    I’ve been working on installing a watering system in my garden. Even though it seems simple on the surface, it took me a while to work out how to do things. Part 1 – The Solenoid Valves and Manifold First of all I sketeched out the garden beds I wanted to install the irrigation system…

  • Expadirk: a hack to split PDFs and email based on instructions within

    Sune Vuorela wrote a post asking people to make sure their private hacks become public. That inspired me to publish Expadirk. Expadirk is my solution to my accounting software provider requiring me to purchase yet more proprietary software in order to send statements, purchase orders and invoices by email. The accounting package has a way of outputting print…

  • I broke my favourite mug

    I broke my favourite mug

    About 18 or so years ago (I can’t believe it was that long ago) a friend (Jules, drop me a line if you read this?) from Canberra gave me this mug. She picked mugs with similar messages for me, Damo and Stevo. Mine said “Only my computer understands me”, I think Damo’s said “Do I…