image of a beaglebone black with a backup icon over the top of it

Backup your Beaglebone Black

Using a method I previously wrote about, it’s quite easy to backup your Beaglebone Black over the network.

ssh root@bbb 'tar cf - / 2>/dev/null' | pv -cN tar \
   | bzip2 | pv -cN bzip2 > bbb-backup-tar.bz2

It runs the bzip compression locally because presumably it will be faster than on the Beaglebone Black. I didn’t actually test that hypothesis though.
pv gives nice little indicators:

    bzip2: 1.81MB 0:00:12 [ 995kB/s] [      <=>                               ]
      tar: 36.2MB 0:00:12 [3.84MB/s] [                             <=>        ]


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