I found I often want to search for text in emails. I found this nice little plugin called conquery that lets you do many things among which is search google for the selected text. Works beautifuly.
First episode of the blues story. Enjoy
I have created a wishlist of books I want on Amazon. Not that I want them from Amazon, just that its a good way of making a list of books that I want. I mainly did this so my fans have a way of buying me something if they feel so inclinded. No, actually I…
I have tried a number for desktop search programs like google desktop search and copernic, but none of them were any good for finding files and thats precicely what I wanted to use them for. I just found this great app, locate for win32. It does exactly what I was looking for. Get it here.
Well, here I am at the end of a long weekend, the Anzac long weekend to be more accurate. we did a number of things this weekend. Probably the highlight was seeing The Cat Empire. I had heard of them before and Maissa saw them at Womad a few years ago and had been raving…
This is what happens when you don’t do your sums properly when using a crane.
Google desktop search only works in IE at the moment. Go here to request that they add firefox support.
There seems to be a new thing where some scum think they will still go to heaven even if they post comment spam. Here’s a link that might help.
This week, I have mostly been listening to Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden. When you have a supplier that sends you shit, and you have to hand sort through his delivery to sort the shit out from the acceptable stuff, and you send him a fax explaining how shit his quality control is,…
This reminds me of Damian in his thankless job trying to convert the masses at is current work place.