According to @mst FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades. That’s right folks, don’t use it. The new way to go is Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux. Unfortunately its a nightmare to install on debian. Luckily some very smart people wrote a lovely little howto: Install and Configure the MS ODBC Driver on…
Dear CommBank, While I think NetBank is great, the BPayView part seriously lets it down. I tweeted my feelings about this and you asked for feedback, so here it is: 1. It silently lets the biller prevent you from viewing older bills. eg. I cannot view Sydney Water bills older than 6 months. but you…
Today I wrote to the minister for small business complaining about the crap Internet in this country. I urge you to write to your MPs also if you think the lack of NBN is a problem. Dear Mr Billson, I’d just like to express my concern over the woeful state of Internet in Australia. As…
I finally finished the outer case of my clock. Only 19 layers of 3mm acrylic stacked on top of each other. I built a finger slot into the back of the clock so it’s easier to carry, but also to house the barrel jack for mounting the clock flush to the wall, allowong me to hide…
Previously… A bit more progress on my clock. I installed the dirty pink gel filter to increase the contrast ratio of the 7 segment displays, and started cutting the final case out of red 101 acrylic. Lots of laminations.
I have written about about using emacs in cygwin and how to launch emacs from cygwin, but I had some problems with the batch file approach in that emacs’ path differ from bash’s. Then ack fails to work from within emacs which makes me sad. After googling around a bit, I saw a few suggestion that trie to fix the…
After traveling to New Zealand for #lca2015 and experiencing fibre to the home at my friends house, I decided to write to Malcolm Turnbull to express my concern about the slow rollout of the NBN in Australia. He actually personally replied directly to my email only 4 hours later. In the interest of openness I…
Michael Cordover has spent significant time and money chasing down the code used for counting Australian Election results. He goes into the reasons why that is important. Another great talk from #lca2015.
After reading a blog post from someone who donated to Wikipedia because they use it a lot, I realised I use it a lot too, so I decided to donate too. Unfortunately I can’t quite remember who’s post it was, but thank you whoever you are! I donated $30. You should too if you like…
Apache was giving me lots of errors like this on my host that has multiple virtual hosts on it. After a little investigation it turned out the CN in the certificate was set to www.domain but the vhost’s ServerName was set to www-less.The solution turned out to be to ensure the vhost ServerName == the…