Category: Uncategorized
Command Option R on a Windows keyboard
Today I had to do an OS X internet recovery but I only had a Windows keyboard. Normally the keyboard combination to launch the Internet Recovery on Macs is Cmd+Option+R but I couldn’t find the right combination on the Windows keyboard. After much googling and experimenting, it turns out its Windows+Alt+R
Origami sunken octahedron
Another John Montroll model, this time from A Plethora of Polyhedra. A sunken octahedron.
Origami platonic solids
I’ve been making some of these platonic solids in origami. Thanks to John Montroll’s books From left to right. A tetrahedron, a cube and an octahedron.
Poor man’s router with wedge fail
I tried making a Paul Seller’s style Poor Man’s Router plane. It worked quite well but I couldn’t get the chisel’s blade edge to be really perpendicular to the surface of the wood. As an alternative I thought I’d try cutting a slot into the piece of timber and making a wedge to fit it…
Xero’s Paypal feed is crap
I’ve been setting up a new paypal account and I thought it would be nice to get the feed of transactions directly into Xero. Unfortunately Xero’s PayPal feed doesn’t understand how PayPal initially puts your transactions on hold until your account is fully verified. This leads to having your transactions incorrectly imported twice (with incorrect…
Uniquify your Buffer Names in emacs with use-package
Recently I have been working on projects that often have multiple files of the same name. By default emacs doesn’t give much information to help you switch between the buffers of open files of the same name. At the same moment that I was thinking I need to find a solution to this Pragmatic Emacs posted…
FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades use, Microsoft ODBC Driver for Linux instead
According to @mst FreeTDS is a bag of razorblades. That’s right folks, don’t use it. The new way to go is Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux. Unfortunately its a nightmare to install on debian. Luckily some very smart people wrote a lovely little howto: Install and Configure the MS ODBC Driver on…
BPay View feedback
Dear CommBank, While I think NetBank is great, the BPayView part seriously lets it down. I tweeted my feelings about this and you asked for feedback, so here it is: 1. It silently lets the biller prevent you from viewing older bills. eg. I cannot view Sydney Water bills older than 6 months. but you…